Your search returned 42 results.

Voice,Video, And Data Network Convergence: Architectuer and Design, from VoIP to Wireless

by Ellis, Juanita | Pursell, Charles | Rahman, Joy.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: California: Elsevier Science, c2003Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 384.33 ELL/VOL.

Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers: A Manual of quick,accurate solutions to everyday process engineeing problems

by Branan, Carl R.

Edition: 4th ed.Material type: Text Text Publication details: Amsterdam: Elsevier, c2005Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 660 BRA/RUL.

Digital Compression for Multimedia: Principals and Standards Jerry D. Gibson, Toby Berger, Tom

by Gibson, Jerry D | Gibson, Jerry D.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: USA: Elsevier Science, c1998Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 006.7 GIB/DIG.

Pressure Vessel Design Manual: Illustrated proceduers for solving major pressure vessel design problems

by Moss, Dennis R.

Edition: 3rd ed. Material type: Text Text Publication details: New Delhi: Elsevier Inc, c2004Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 681.76041 MOS/PRE.

Content Networking: Architecture, Protocols, and Practice

by Hofmann, Markus | Beaumont, Leland.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: San Francisco: Elsevier, c2005Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 004.6 HOF/CON.

Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers Fred Eady

by Eady, Fred.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: USA: Elsevier Inc, c2004Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 629.89 EAD/NET.

Embedded Systems Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers

by Noergaard, Tammy.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: USA: Elsevier Inc, c2005Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 004.22 NOE/EMB.

On The Development of China's Infromation Technology Industry

by Zemin, Jiang.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: U.K : Elsevier, c2009Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 331 ONT/ZEM.

Network Security : A Practical Approach

by Harrington, Jan L.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: California : Elsevier, c2005Availability: Items available for loan: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library (1)Call number: 005.8 HAR/NET. Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 005.8 HAR/NET.

Piping and Pipeline Assessment Guide A. Keith Escoe

by Escoe, A. Keith.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Amsterdam: Elsevier, c2006Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 621.8672 ESC/PIP.

Ludwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants : Emphasizes how to apply techniques of Process design and Interpret results into mechanical equipment details

by Coker, A. Kayode.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: U.K : Elsevier, c2007Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 660.283 COK/LUD.

Pump Users Handbook R. Rayner.

by Rayner, R.

Edition: 4th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: UK : Elsevier Advance Technology, c1995Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 621.69 RAY/PUM.

Handbook of Valves and Actuators Brian Nesbitt.

by Nesbitt, Brian.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Amsterdam : Elsevier, c2007Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 621.84 NES/HAN.

Corrosion Atlas

by During, D. D.

Edition: 3rd Expanded, Rev.ed. Material type: Text Text Publication details: Netherlands : ELSEVIER Science B. V, c1997Availability: Items available for loan: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library (1)Call number: 620.11223 DUR/COR.

Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook : Quick and accurate solutions to your everyday pipeline problems

by McAllister, E. W.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: UK : ELSEVIER, c2009Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 621.8672 MCA/PIP.

Nanostructured Materials Gerhard, Wilde.

by Wilde, Gerhard.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: U.K : Elsevier, c2009Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 620.11299 WIL/NAN.

Exploring Engineering: An Introduction to Engineering and Design Philip Kosky, George Wise, Robert

by Kosky, Philip | Kosky, Philip.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: Amsterdam : Elsevier, c2010Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 620 KOS/EXP.

Business Modeling and Data Mining Dorian Pyle

by Pyle, Dorian.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: San Francisco: Elsevier Science, c2003Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 006.3 PVL/BUS.

RF Circuit Design

by Bowick, Christopher | Blyler, John | Ajluni, Cheryl.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Amsterdam : Elsevier, c2008Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 621.38412 BOW/RFC.

Process Heat Transfer Principles and Applications R.W. Serth.

by Serth, R.W.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: USA : Elsevier, c2007Availability: Items available for reference: Don Bosco Institute of Technology Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 621.4022 SER/PRO.
